Policy developments of health technology assessment in the European Union


  • Aleksandra Baran-Kooiker Department of Pharmacoeconomics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Warsaw
  • Marcin Czech Department of Pharmacoeconomics, Institute of Mother and Child, Warsaw
  • Malwina Hołownia-Voloskova 4Department of Clinical and Experimental Farmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Warsaw




The purpose of the note below is to familiarize readers with the current status and future initiatives of cooperation in the field of health technology assessment (HTA) in the European Union (EU). The European Commission is trying to create a framework for efficient collaboration between member states of EU in the field of HTA and is gradually working on strengthening it. The following initiatives, projects and programs have already been implemented:

-  Project on Coordination and Development of Health Care Technology Assessment in Europe

-  The European Collaboration for Assessment of Health Interventions and Technology

-  European Network for Health Technology Assessment 

-  Beneluxa Initiative, The Valletta Declaration, FINOSE and Fair and Affordable Pricing

-  European Network for Health Technology Assessment

Currently there is an ongoing proposal for an HTA Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council, which is the measurable result of this cooperation. A key element of the proposed regulation is a centralized joint clinical assessment (for HTA purposes) of the efficacy of the medicinal product/medical device.


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