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Author Guidelines

What the journal publishes:

Papers intended for publication in Postępy Biochemii may be monographic articles, short notes on the latest achievements and research concepts, or letters to the Editorial Board. The works are subject to review by the indicated Reviewer. The average time from sending the text to the editor to the first decision is 16 days.

Advances in Biochemistry also accept submissions prepared on the basis of a literature introduction of a reviewed and defended doctoral or master's thesis. Then the editors will decide whether to publish the article on the basis of the attached reviews of the doctoral or thesis. The average time from sending the text to the editor to the first decision is 7 days.

Structure of the manuscript

A manuscript submitted for the first time should be in the form of a single .pdf file, combining text, figures, and tables prepared according to the Author Guidelines. In order to ensure a double-blind review, such a file should not contain the title page or the last page (in English), which are sent to the system as a separate file.

It is advisable to divide the article into unnumbered sections and subsections.

The title page should contain the title of the article, first and last names of the authors (with the corresponding author), the academic title of each of the authors and their affiliation together with the postal address, telephone number, and e-mail address, keywords (up to 6), a list of abbreviations used (up to 10) in alphabetical order (limited to the necessary minimum and including only non-standard abbreviations) and the short title of the work (up to 25 characters).

The sequentially numbered pages include an abstract (up to 150 words), the text of the work, and references. The following pages should contain tables as well as titles and explanations of figures. The last page should contain the following information in English: title of the article, names, and surnames of Authors and places of work, keywords (up to 6), and a short summary of the article (up to 150 words).

A graphical abstract should be included in a separate file.


Avoid excessive citation of the original papers by referring readers to review articles whenever possible. The editorial office recommends citing at the most 50 publications, most of them from the last 10 years. The list of references includes works in the order in which they are cited. In the text, they are marked with ordinal numbers enclosed in square brackets, eg [3,7,9-12]. Authors are required to check the inserted citations and items in the bibliography list of the cited items! The style of preparing bibliography items for original journal articles (1), review (2) works, books (3), chapters from single-volume books (4), chapters from volumes of series prepared by various editors (5) are shown in the following examples:

  1. Jiang QX, Wang ON, MacKinnon R (2004) Electron microscopic analysis of KvAP voltage-dependent K+ channels in an open conformation. J Mol Biol 430: 806-810
  2. Toyoshima C, Inesi G (2004) Structural basis of ion pumping by Ca2+-ATPase of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Annu Rev Biochem 73: 269-292
  3. Dołowy K, Szewczyk A, Pikuła S (2003) Błony biologiczne, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Śląsk, Katowice, Warszawa
  4. Michalak M, Nakamura K, Papp S, Opas M (2000) Calreticulin and dynamics of the endoplasmic reticulum lumenal environment, W: Pochet R (red) Calcium: the molecular basis of calcium action in biology and medicine. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, str. 191-205
  5. Darżynkiewicz E, Jankowska-Anyszka M (2000) Struktura i funkcja końca 5' (KAPU) mRNA i U snRNA, W: Koroniak H, Barciszewski J (red) Na pograniczu chemii i biologii, t IV. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adma Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Poznań, str. 143-179

Graphical abstract

The graphical abstract should be made on a 1: 1 scale. The size of the graphic summary should be adjusted to the width of one page (18 cm). The figure should not contain verbal descriptions, but use abbreviations. Descriptions in the figure should be in Arial font, at least 8 points in size.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • If the paper is prepared on the base of a Master's thesis or Ph.D. thesis, the author is aware of the duty to provide a Thesis review in .pfd form.
  • Authors are aware of journal page charges policy and pricing. They confirm will to pay dues..
  • A graphic abstract was prepared.
  • In case of any problems please contact Postępy Biochemii Managing Editor, Elżbieta Czarniewska :
  • Przygotowano wykaz trzech potencjalnych recenzentów, wraz z ich adresami e-mail.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.